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Prolife Victories Against Abortion Amendments - Glory Be To God!

Daniel Holliker

For the first time since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, life has prevailed against pro-abortion ballot initiatives! All glory be to God!

First, Florida quickly declared victory against Issue 4 shortly after their polls closed. Requiring a 60% vote to pass an amendment to their state constitution, roughly 57% of voters voted in favor while about 43% opposed. While it is sad to see that a majority of Floridians voted for the amendment, it is encouraging to see that life will remain protected within the state!

Second, Nebraska saw the defeat of their proposed abortion Initiative 439. What is even more encouraging, however, is that they are also the first state to pass a prolife amendment! Nebraska Initiative 434, which prohibits abortion past first trimester, was placed on the ballot to oppose Initiative 439. It clearly worked, as more Nebraskans voted in favor of Initiative 434, preventing the radical abortion amendment from passing!

Third, South Dakota saw the defeat of proposed constitutional Amendment G. This may be the most astonishing prolife victory yesterday, as approximately 60% of the population voted against Amendment G, while only about 40% supported the measure. Furthermore, South Dakota only requires a simple majority of 50%+1 to pass an amendment. So, a sizable majority of South Dakotans chose to protect the preborn and their mothers!

We have much cause to rejoice with these victories! The prolife movement can learn lessons from Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota to successfully counter future abortion amendments in other states. These lessons can also be used to pave the way to eventually undo the radical abortion amendments already passed in other states.

This brings us back to a harsh reality. Sadly, seven states passed abortion amendments yesterday: Maryland, Missouri, Arizona, Colorado, New York, Montana, and Nevada. Add this to California, Michigan, and Vermont from the 2022 election and Ohio last year, a total of eleven states enshrined abortion in their constitutions up until birth. Furthermore, a majority of Floridians supported Issue 4 and abortion will still be legal in Nebraska during the first trimester (when the majority of abortions take place).

This shows that there is much work to do to change hearts and minds on the issue of abortion. We need to educate our fellow citizens on the evils of abortion and the support provided by the prolife movement. So, this is the time to get actively involved in the prolife movement if you have yet to do so! We will not rest until the inherent dignity of every human life is respected!

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