Toledo, Ohio - Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Christian Jenkins' ruling on Thursday, October 24, is no surprise after the passage of Issue 1 last November. The real surprise is how long it took far-left activist Judge Jenkins to make his ruling.
Following are Greater Toledo Right to Life Executive Director Ed Sitter's thoughts on yesterday's ruling:
"I have not read Judge Jenkins' ruling yet, so I cannot comment on it now. But this was this same activist judge who put a hold on the Heartbeat law in the first place. During that hearing, Judge Jenkins displayed condescension and extreme prejudice toward witnesses in defense of the Heartbeat Law. Jenkins also felt compelled to help make the arguments for the attorneys representing the plaintiffs. It was a surreal experience.
In the few articles I have read regarding Thursday's ruling, Judge Jenkins even refused to let any of the common sense provisions of the law remain in force that addressed such things as doctors failing to check for cardiac activity, except in emergencies, or requiring abortion providers to inform their patients in writing when a fetal heartbeat is detected, empowering a woman to make a genuinely informed choice."
Elections matter! It is imperative that we elect judges who rule on the law, not impose their personal sense of social justice, to decide what is and is not acceptable law. Go to and click on the 2024 ENDORSEMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS button to see the judges we recommend you support.