Greater Toledo Right TO LIFE
Become a MEMBER of Greater Toledo Right to Life and help advocate for all LIFE.
Pray for our legislators and those that represent us locally and nationally to take actions that reflect God's value of all LIFE.
Give of your time, talent and treasure to be an advocate for the voiceless.
2024 voting resources
“The Church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state and never its tool. If the Church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.” - Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
Join us for the
ohio march for life!
Join Foundation for Life as a voice for the voiceless on Friday, October 4, 2024
as we travel by motor coach to Columbus, Ohio for the Ohio March for Life.
as we travel by motor coach to Columbus, Ohio for the Ohio March for Life.
Charity WatchlistAre your favorite charities funding abortion?
For many years, American Life League has been tracking charitable organizations and their corresponding positions on the life issues. |
Get to know your Ohio State Representatives and Senators and let them know where you stand on pro-life. This Ohio Government page lets you search for the contact information for your specific representatives by your zip code. The same is true for identifying your US Representative and your US Senators through these sites. Often, the GTRTL needs your help in being a voice for the voiceless and letting our political representatives know there are many of us in the Greater Toledo area that want their votes and actions to reflect the pro-life mission to value all LIFE. Your phone calls matter!
Ambulatory Surgical Regulations - treat independent (non-hospital associated) ambulatory surgical facilities like other professional practices, with ownership transparency and having a medical professional be the responsible parties for the business - More info HERE
Exempt Diapers from sales and use tax - SB114 - details HERE Enact the Human Life Protection Act - prohibit abortions based on a condition precedent SB123 - details HERE |
Informational Campaigns on Current PRO-LIFE legislation
Humanity of Unborn Education Act -This would direct the teaching of fetal development from conception through birth to students in Ohio’s high-school Health curriculum - More info HERE Women's Right to Know - Requires abortion providers to give information during the informed consent period prior to an abortion relative to the possibility of breast cancer related to abortion, and to the possibility of experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms associated with abortion, and to require abortion facility employees to be trained in the most recent medically accurate information relative to these consequences of abortion - More info HERE Public Funding of Abortion - prohibit public facilities or private institutions of higher education from receiving state money if they perform or induce nontherapeutic abortions or employ or affiliate with a physician who does so - More info HERE Sustain Life - re-write statute in order to ensure that hydration and nutrition of a patient will be identified as basic care -More info HERE Life at Conception(2021) -recognizes an unborn human as a person, regardless of the age of that unborn human - More info HERE Save our Mothers Act - regarding birth equity, peripartum racial and ethnic disparities, and implicit bias in the health care system - HB42 - details HERE |
Any questions can be directed to Ed Sitter at [email protected] or call 419-353-1977 |